Kvadrat Rugs

Our rugs are handmade and made-to-measure. Characterised by outstanding craftsmanship, meticulous attention-to-detail and tactile structures, they reinterpret classic techniques in a contemporary light.

Well-known for reviving long-lost production methods and for recognising the beauty of the handmade, we collaborate with trained craftsmen to produce pieces that will stand the test of time and the rigours of everyday life.

Crafted from the finest materials by the world’s best weavers, our rugs last for years and years. Throughout their long life, they transform the experience of commercial and residential spaces.

The latest additions to Kvadrat’s rug collection, Braid and Aram 2, explore a breadth of colour and texture, bringing sustainability and exceptional craftsmanship to the forefront.

Braid features delicate, organic irregularities reminiscent of natural surfaces and is made from recycled post-consumer polyester. Designed by Karin An Rijlaarsdam, whose work focuses on creating sustainable designs with a positive environmental impact – the rug is inspired by braiding techniques, crafts and the landscapes of Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast where she is based. It is the first design in the Kvadrat rug collection including recycled polyester.

Braid is made from braided ropes – one thick, one thin. The slimmer rope is stitched in a slightly wavy curve on the thick ropes which gives a beautiful irregularity to the design, then arranged as a spiral for the round rugs, or in rows for the rectangular design, before being stitched into place. To finish, a fine rope is sewn around the rug and the border is refined with a 10 cm wrapping detail on the lower right edge or corner. The making of Braid results in minimal production waste thanks to its stitching technique.

Strong and durable, it is a design that suits both residential and commercial use.

Aram 2, a re-edition of the flatweave rug Aram, explores the dynamic between volume, structure and colour. It is handwoven from pure New Zealand wool and brings a fresh perspective to the artisanal Sumak weaving technique.

An exceptionally comfortable rug, Aram 2 is characterised by subtle movement in its meticulous colour blends. It is constructed by looping bundles of plied yarns around the warp, creating a multidimensional expression reminiscent of magnified braided ribs.

Discover Kvadrat’s full rug collection here.


Maharam’s Paisley Brocade by Paul Smith


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